You may be curious to what this website is about, exactly. Well, to be honest, I have no idea! There is no "true" purpose here other than giving me a space to express myself through a jumbled mess of code. Even if there's no universe shattering revelations here, I really hope you'll enjoy this little peak into my mind!

A lot of the CSS that went into this site was done with the help of my friend Sunny! She's super awesome, and you should check her out; her art is really cool.

submit questions through the guestbook!

Q: What does "Kiritani" Mean?

A: Kiritani is in reference to one of my favorite fictional characters, Haruka Kiritani. She means a lot to me, so I named my site after her.

Q: Can I use the graphics you made?

A: Yes, and No. If it's one of the rainbow words, go right ahead. If it is one of the duck drawings, please don't! That's my sona, and she represents me! You wouldn't like it if I used a picture of you, so please don't use a picture of me!

awards this site has won!

none yet.. maybe one day